SVN Revision: 52 Date: 01/12/09 00:48 Author: mzsergiu * Fixed the wearing items bug. Now when you equip Weapon and/or Armour will add to your status. * Compiled M2Server.exe * Updated bug list. ;------------------------------; SVN Revision: 50 Date: 23/11/09 2:33 Author: Ripman * Deleted the scripts from QManage.txt * Coded in the files so when you create a new character (assassin) will give you assassin weapon and no wooden sword. Go in !Setup.txt at AssassinWeapon= and you can change the weapon name you want to give at new char creation. * Updated CraftLady NPC. * Fixed the Hair bug when you equip using assassin weapons. From my testes it seems that the hair is changed when you equip weapons. Now is fixed. Will preserve your default hair.